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PMS Best notes

Ravi R Nandi
Ravi R Nandi
  • PMS easy and simple answer
1)     Define Project with example and Mention the characteristic (OR) Features of ProjectCharacteristic (OR) Features of Project8)    Define Project Administration and Mention the Tools Used in Project Administration9)   Define Project Team and Mention the advantage of effective Project TeamAdvantages of effective team10)      Define Project Design and mention the advantages/Benefit of Project designAdvantages / Benefit of Project design11)   Prepare a Detailed work break down structure for Construction of project13)    Define Project Life Cycle and Mention stages or Phases in Project Life cycle and Mention the components of ProjectComponents of Project14)   Explain Project stages (Phases) or Explain Project life cycleii)  Planning stage:20) Define Project Planning and Mention Needs of Project PlanningNeeds of Project Planning21)      Write The Difference between Single use plan (One shot plan) and Standard Plan (Standing Plan) (OR) Explain Single use plan and Standard PlanImportance (OR) Needs(OR) Objective of Project Policies23)     Explain gannt chart/Bar Chart (OR) Analyze the importance of gantt chart(OR) How Gantt chart is use full in Project planningAdvantages (OR) Importance (O) Benefit of gantt chartDisadvantages (OR) Demerits of Gantt Chart24)   Mention the Tools used for Project Planning25)    Explain Network Technique (OR) Explain Network Technique in Project Scheduling and Planning (OR) Analyze the Importance of Network techniqueAdvantage (OR) Importance (OR) Benefit (OR) Uses of Network techniqueDisadvantage (OR)Limitation (OR) Demerit of Network Technique26)   Explain Project EvaluationNeeds / Importance / objectives / purpose / reasons of project evaluation.27)      Define Project Control and Mention the Objective/Needs/Purpose of Project Control  (OR) List the Purpose of Project ControlPurpose / needs /objective of Project Control28)   Write the Advantages and disadvantages of Critical path Method(CPM) Advantages of CPMDisadvantage of CPM29)   Write the Application of CPM Application of CPM30)   Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of PERTAnalyze the importance of Program evaluation and Review technique (PERT) in Project managementDisadvantages/Demerits of PERT31) Write the difference between CPM and PERTFunction/Objective/Purpose/Roles of Project Review33) Explain Project AuditObjective of Project audit34)   Define Cloud Technology and Mention application of Cloud Technology in Project management36)   Define Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) and mention the application of AR and VR in Project managementApplication of AR and VR37)   Mention the Benefit of AR and VR38) Write the difference Augmented reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR)

1)     Define Project with example and Mention the characteristic (OR) Features of Project

It is a Temporary endovarance under taken to create a new product or service Example: Construction project, Automobile project, Irrigation Project.

Characteristic (OR) Features of Project

  1. It has unique in nature
  2. It is Temporary in nature
  3. It has Specific starting time
  4. It Has Specific ending time
  5. It has Certain risk
  6. It Required Specific Resource

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  • List the Types of Project (OR) Classification of Project
  • Industrial project
  • Development Project
  • Mega value project
  • Large value project
  • Medium Value Project
  • Small value Project
  • Government Project
  • Private Project
  • Long duration Project
  • Medium duration project
  • Small Duration Project
  • Define Project management and Write the benefits/advantages of Project management

“Application of Tools Technology and Knowledge to the Project is called Project Management”

benefits/advantages of Project management

  1. Reduce the continues reporting
  2. Identify the time limit for Scheduling
  3. Identify the Methodology
  4. Early Identification and resolve the Problem
  5. Improve the estimating capability

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  • Mention the Roles of Project manger
  1. They Will Responsible for Project Deliveries
  2. They maintain The Co-ordination
  3. They are Responsible for Time management
  4. They are Responsible for Budgeting
  5. They are Responsible for Team building
  6. Issue Identification and Resolve
  7. Define Project Consultant and Mention the Roles / Functions of Project consultant

“The team or Agencies which provide the Expert project management advice to the external Business is called Project consultant”

Example: TCS, Deloite

Mention the Roles / Functions of Project consultant

  • Preparation of feasibility Report
  • Detailed Engineering Services
  • Testing and Monitoring
  • Progress Report Periodically
  • Checking the Quality of The work
  • Project Monitoring and Control
  • Define Operation and write the Difference between project and Operation

“Operation is the Repetitive ongoing work process that Produce the same output is called Operation”

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  • Explain Project objective and scope (OR) Write the difference between Project objective and scope

8)    Define Project Administration and Mention the Tools Used in Project Administration

It is the Process of execution of project activity effectively and efficiently towards the achievement of Project Goals is called Project Administration

Tools Used in Project Administration

  • Microsoft Project
  • ALM
  • JIRA
  • CPM
  • PERT
  • Gantt Chart
  • Sky for Business
  • Trillo

9)   Define Project Team and Mention the advantage of effective Project Team

It is Defined as “Interdependent collection of Individuals who work together towards common goals and who share Responsibility for Specific outcome “

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Advantages of effective team

  • Helps to make Good Decision
  • Helps Speed up the activities
  • Provide the clear roles and Responsibility
  • Ensure the smooth Progress of the Project
  • Individual and mutual accountability

10)      Define Project Design and mention the advantages/Benefit of Project design

It   is the process concerned with developing the project schedule      for the Implementation of the project is called Project Design

Advantages / Benefit of Project design

  • It gives the complete idea about the project
  • It helps to adjust the usual Delay
  • It helps to co-ordinate the Activities
  • It is effective tool for Planning
  • It helps to Plan project Economically

11)   Prepare a Detailed work break down structure for Construction of project

  1. Prepare a Detailed work break down structure for Software Development project

13)    Define Project Life Cycle and Mention stages or Phases in Project Life cycle and Mention the components of Project

Starting to ending of an activities of the project is called Project Life Cycle Stages or Phases in Project life Cycle

  • Initiation stage
  • Planning Stage
  • Execution stage
  • Closing Stage

Components of Project

  • Cost
  • Scope
  • Time
  • Resource
  • Quality

14)   Explain Project stages (Phases) or Explain Project life cycle

  1. Initiation stage:
    1. It is the first stage in Project life cycle
    1. It is also called as feasibility study stage
    1. In this stage acceptance or Rejection of the project will decided Components or Sub-stages of Initiation stage is
      1. Prepare a Business case
      1. Prepare a Project Charter
      1. Feasibility study
      1. Assign the Project manager
      1. Assign the Project Resource
      1. Project Review

ii)  Planning stage:

It is the Second Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process or components

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Types of Plans are

  • Project plan
    • Resource plan
    • Risk Plan
    • Quality plan
  • Execution Stage:

It is the Third Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process or components

  • Issue Instruction
  • Monitor and Control
  • Manage Scope Change
  • Manage Build Method
  • Issue the certificate of Completion
  • Manage Configuration
  1. Closing Stage:

It is the last Stage in Project management Process it Sub Divided into Following Sub Process or components

  • Verify the Commissioning Process
    • Manage The Receiving Process
    • Manage the Commissioning Process
    • Manage Handover Process
    • Manage Project Review
  1. Define Risk and Mention types of Risk

“Risk is an event having some degree of uncertainty attached to project.”

Types of Risk

  • Project completion risk
  • Budget Risk
  • Political Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Quality Risk
  • Internal rate Risk
  • Exchange rate risk
  • Technological Risk
  1. Mention the Risk Assessment or Risk Analysis Techniques
  2. Sensitivity analysis
  3. Scenario analysis
  4. Simulation analysis
  5. Break Even Analysis
  6. Decision tree analysis
  7. Game theory
  8. Delphic technique
  9. Game Theory
  10. Historical Record
  11. Monetary analysis
  12. Interviewing
  13. Expert Judgment
  14. Cost and time estimation

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  1. Define cost and Time over Run and Mention causes or Reason for cost and time over run
  2. Cost Over Run: if the cost of the project is exceeds the Planned budget is called cost over run

Causes OR Reason for cost over Run

  • Improper Technical Knowledge
    • Improper Biding Knowledge
    • Increase in cost of materials
    • Increase in cost of Labor
    • Wastage of materials
    • Adverse weather condition
    • Extra item of work is done
  1. Time over Run: If the project completion time is exceeds the Planned time is called time over run

Causes OR Reason for time over Run

  • If plans and Specification not Received by contractor
    • Unavailability of Resource
    • Unavailability of technology
    • Improper financial management
    • If Extra work is carried out
    • Adverse weather condition
    • Wrong initial planning
    • Accident on site
  1. Mention the effect of cost and time over Run
  • It cause lost to profit
    • Create the disputes
    • Reduce the quality of work
    • Create the stress in client
    • Bad Reputation
  1. Mention the Method of controlling the cost and time over run
  • Indentify the over run
  • Procurement cost control
  • Negotiation with vendors
  • Sourcing the materials
  • Reduce the wastage of Resource
  • Stock reduction
  • Proper sizing of project team

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20) Define Project Planning and Mention Needs of Project Planning

“It is the blue print for the execution of activities of the project” is called Project Planning.

Needs of Project Planning

  • To define the works of the project
    • To reduce the risk
    • Improve the efficiency of work
    • To understand the objective

21)      Write The Difference between Single use plan (One shot plan) and Standard Plan (Standing Plan) (OR) Explain Single use plan and Standard Plan

  • Define Project Policies and mention the importance of project policies (OR) Analyze the importance of project objective and Policies

It is the General Guide lines for the Decision making is called as Policies”

Importance (OR) Needs(OR) Objective of Project Policies

  • It help for Project Planning
    • It help for decision making
    • It reduce the risk
    • Help for smooth take of project
    • Help for better mon
    • itoring and control

23)     Explain gannt chart/Bar Chart (OR) Analyze the importance of gantt chart(OR) How Gantt chart is use full in Project planning

“Gantt chart is graphical representation of Project activities along the time line is called Gantt chart”

Advantages (OR) Importance (O) Benefit of gantt chart

  • It is easy to prepare
  • It is easy to understand
  • It shows the Progress of project
  • It is used to schedule the manpower
  • It is used to manage the Resource
  • It helps for project planning

Disadvantages (OR) Demerits of Gantt Chart

  • It can’t be used for complex project
    • It has physical limit
    • It is difficult to update
    • It is time consuming
    • It is confusing

24)   Mention the Tools used for Project Planning

  • Gantt chart
  • Network Technique
  • Time estimate
  • Project Design

25)    Explain Network Technique (OR) Explain Network Technique in Project Scheduling and Planning (OR) Analyze the Importance of Network technique

“The pictorial Representation of project activities in the form network using nodes and arrows is called Network Technique”

Advantage (OR) Importance (OR) Benefit (OR) Uses of Network technique

  • It identify the critical Activity
  • It identify the critical path
  • It is easy to update
  • It help for better scheduling
  • It helps to control project cost
  • It helps for better execution

Disadvantage (OR)Limitation (OR) Demerit of Network Technique

  • It is difficult to understand
    • It doesn’t define operational schedule
    • It is complex in nature
    • It is time Consuming

26)   Explain Project Evaluation

“ Process of collecting the information of project result “

Needs / Importance / objectives / purpose / reasons of project evaluation.

  • It helps to identify success factor
    • It identify the actual changes
    • It identify the needs for improvement
    • It demand for responsibility
    • It identify the progress

27)      Define Project Control and Mention the Objective/Needs/Purpose of Project Control  (OR) List the Purpose of Project Control

“The Process of controlling the Project activities to achieve the desired goal” is called Project Control

Purpose / needs /objective of Project Control

  • To control the Progress of the activity
    • To control the Performance of the Project
    • To control the Project Schedule
    • To control The Project cost

28)   Write the Advantages and disadvantages of Critical path Method(CPM) Advantages of CPM

  • It provide analytical approach
  • It helps to achieve the project goals
  • It find the critical activities
  • It helps to find the Critical path
  • It avoid the wastage of Resource
  • It avoid The wastage of Money

Disadvantage of CPM

  • It doesn’t suitable for Complex project
  • It doesn’t handle Personal Schedule
  • It is difficult to estimate the completion time
  • It doesn’t handle the Resource allocation
  • It’s not always Clear

29)   Write the Application of CPM Application of CPM

  • Used for Production planning
  • Used for location and warehouse delivery service
  • Used for Road system Project
  • Used for Traffic schedule
  • Used for communication network

30)   Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of PERT


Analyze the importance of Program evaluation and Review technique (PERT) in Project management

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Advantages /Importance of PERT

  • It Improves the planning of Project
  • It helps for Decision making
  • It helps to manage the Risk
  • It enables forward working control
  • It can be used for Rescheduling
  • It helps to concentrate on critical elements

Disadvantages/Demerits of PERT

  • It is time consuming
  • It is expensive
  • It can’t be used for Repetitive project
  • It is not always true
  • It is based on Beta Distribution

31) Write the difference between CPM and PERT

  • Explain Project Review

“ It is the process of Verifying the activities of the project” is called Project Review

Function/Objective/Purpose/Roles of Project Review

  • To verify the impact of project
  • To measure the quality of Project
  • To guide the planner
  • To guide the administrator
  • To verify the safety aspect

33) Explain Project Audit

“It is the formal review of a project to assess the extent to which project management being upheld” is called Project Audit

Objective of Project audit

Provide the clear status of the project

To creating the awareness in Project staff To identify the Quality Problems

To reduce the cost and time overrun To identify the generic problem

34)   Define Cloud Technology and Mention application of Cloud Technology in Project management

“It is the virtual space to store the data exist on internet” is called cloud

  • It helps to secure the project data
    • Helps to big data of project
    • It avoid project failure
    • It helps for mile stone mapping
    • It helps to share the data
  • Define IoT and Mention application of IoT in Project management “Process of connecting the Physical device to the Internet Is called IOT” Application of IoT
    • It helps for complete monitoring
    • It helps for Process control
    • It helps to create the Project data
    • It allows the super deep analytics
    • It improve the expectation in stack holder

36)   Define Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) and mention the application of AR and VR in Project management

Augmented Reality(AR):”It is the real time use of information inform of text, graphics etc with real world”

Virtual Reality (VR):”it is refer to computer generated simulation in which person can interact 3D Environment”

Application of AR and VR

  • Used in civil Engineering ,and Architecture
    • Used in Marketing and Sales
    • Used in Education System
    • Used in visual Industries
    • Used in Automation
    • Used In health care
    • Used In defense
    • Used in service support

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37)   Mention the Benefit of AR and VR

  • Increase the competitive ability
    • Reduce the cost
    • Reduce the time
    • Reduce the errors
    • Enable Remote collaboration
    • Reduce the Project Risk
    • Facilitate project Monitoring

38) Write the difference Augmented reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR)

  • Mention the Application Cloud, IoT, AR,VR, in smart Cities
    • AR provide the navigate system in Smart cities
    • AR eliminate the language barriers
    • Provide social Network for Citizen
    • Used for Traffic signal System
    • Improve the Energy Distribution
    • Used For Smart garbage transportation
    • VR helps in Emergency management
    • AR and VR help in Design and Prototyping
    • AR and VR help in Distance Learning

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