Maths With Me

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1Exp 5: In Microsoft Excel spreadsheet draw the frequency distribution table for
the given data (data set should contain minimum 50 data)
2Exp 6: In Microsoft Excel spreadsheet draw the relative frequency
distribution table for the given data( data set should contain minimum 50
3Exp 7: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet plot bar graph for the data
collected from 100 people( for example conduct a survey on the favourite
fruit of a person in your locality restricting 5 – 6 fruits)Explain the bar graph
with minimum 30 words
4Exp 8: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet plot pie chart for the data
collected from 50 people.( for example, conduct a survey on the smokers
with respect to their ages in your locality) Explain the pie chart with
minimum 30 wordsExp
5Exp 9: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet draw a Line graph for the given
data set
6Exp 10: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet draw frequency polygon and
frequency curve for the data collected from 50 people (for example, marks
obtained by the students in your class in 5 subjects in previous
examination) Explain your observations from the graph in minimum 30
7Exp 11: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet construct a Box plot for the
given data set .( For example, data set can be number of passengers in
the flat form at different time in a day)
8Exp 12: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet construct a leaf plot for the
given data set. Explain a graph with minimum 30 words.
9Exp 13: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet find the Mean Mode and
Median for the given data and also represent them in Histogram
10Exp 14: Generate a 50 random data sample (Even and Odd number
dataset) using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and determine the Range and
11Exp 15: collect the current yield of a crop from 50 different persons
(Problem statement can be changed according to priorties of the tutor) in
your locality and Determine mean deviation and Quartile deviation in
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and brief your inference with less than 30
12Exp 16: Collect the date of any 2 livestock population from 50 different
houses in your locality(Problem statement can be changed according topriorities of the tutor) and determine standard deviation for both the two
separately in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and brief your inference with
less than 30 words
13Exp 17: The date of two wheelers crossing the busy junction in your
locality in the peak hours (Problem statement can be changed according
to priorities of the tutor) and determine the variance of the data in
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and brief your inference with less than 30
14Exp 18: Using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet draw a skewness and kurtosis
graph for randomly generated data set.
15Exp 19: Python program execution procedureDownload
16Exp 20: Write a Python program to add two integers and two strings and
print the result
17Exp 21: Write a Python program to find the sum of first 10 natural
18Exp 22: Write a Python program to find whether the number is odd or
19Exp 23: Write a Python program to find the variance and standard
deviation for the given data.